
The Doubleclicks' New Album: THE BOOK WAS BETTER

Created by The Doubleclicks

Pre-order CDs, dice and pins here, to be shipped May 20! Want the album digitally? It can be purchased on: iTunes - Bandcamp - Amazon - and starting May 10, on every other online music platform as well!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

RPG, Special Guests and Last Day HYPE!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 01:17:12 AM


I awoke today to see the Kickstarter had broken $53,000, which means I get to share this amazing gif of Aubrey's evil laugh:

You can see the rest of the gifs collected at (and we'll keep posting them every $1,000 or so) except some of the banana suit ones, which got flagged for "violating community guidelines." That's life I guess. 

ANYWAY. Thank you so much for blowing up this Kickstarter this week! We are having an incredible time, it feels SO GOOD to have fun momentum on this project going into the last day.

And with that momentum, I've been traveling around LA and recording SPECIAL GUEST MUSICIANS for the album! Last night I met up with Amy Dallen and Kate Leth to get them to sing the chorus of our birthday song. The night before, Jason Charles Miller did some INCREDIBLE work on a superhero theme song. 

Special guests Amy Dallen, Kate Leth (with Leeloo the cat) and Jason Charles Miller!
Special guests Amy Dallen, Kate Leth (with Leeloo the cat) and Jason Charles Miller!


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Final Stretch!

We've been making some final schemes, so we have two more stretch goals for you!

At $54,000, we will head over to the Saving Throw studios to play our new RPG "Lasers and Aubreys" live on air with GM Rick Budd and some of the friends from his show Tempting Fate! 

At $55,000, we'll get a new set of custom Doubleclicks d-6's and you will be able to add those on to your Kickstarter order! We haven't made dice since 2014, but they were very fun. These are what the first ones looked like: we will probably re-print the velociraptor and have some other designs as well. 

stretch goals
stretch goals

Thank you so very very much for making this all happen. You are wonderful humans and you've really made our year.


Laser (& Aubrey!)

Scenes from the studio! Song Preview & Special Guests!
about 5 years ago – Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 10:39:44 PM

Three days and one stretch goal left!

Here's what's going on!

We have been recording this album for weeks now, and now we are to the "production" stage, which means that the vocals and guitar are done, but we're adding the COOL STUFF on top of that. Pianos, drums, strings, beats, sound effects, and harmonies! 

Today I'd like to tell you about some of the amazing musicians we're working with on this album!

First up: Composer and musician Aaron Wilson!

Laser met Aaron through the musical improv community in LA, where he's music director for a handful of incredible shows, and also plays music for classes and workshops I've taken. He can play any kind of piano on anything, and is also an incredible producer.

He has added piano to a bunch of songs on this album, and here's a sample full track — Clifford, the Big Red Dog! This piano is So Good. 

 Second guest: Mercury Shadow!!!
 Aubrey met Shadow through rad comics people in Portland. They're really great and have fantastic hair, and also have been working extremely hard with Aubrey on this project! They added full string arrangements, fiddle, and percussion to a couple songs last week.

Max and Shadow in the studio
Max and Shadow in the studio

  Shadow did some very good and important work in the STOMPING department too, on our sea shanty "Millie Rosa Jane." I love this kind of video because without music it's just extremely strange.

Third guest: Jason Charles Miller

 Composer/guitarist/Dungeon Master/friend Jason Charles Miller is going to be adding some Very Rad guitar to a superhero song for us this very evening! This is not the first time JCM is on a Doubleclicks song — he added guitar to "Working for Me" on Dimetrodon, but we're EXTREMELY excited to have him on this track. We have ideas that we couldn't even dream of implementing without him, so I'm real real excited about this. 

More guests: Oh, they're coming, and we think you're gonna recognize their beautiful faces. 

And now?

This Kickstarter has just three days to go! And then we get to the fun part — paying everybody, mixing the album, and getting all this great stuff MADE. We also have the big tour coming up (NOW WITH EUROPE, thanks to you!) but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

Our next stretch goal is DOUBLECLICKS TATTOOS — that will be permanent tattoos for Aubrey & Laser, and temporary tattoos for y'all. Real excited about that. The "extra" money raised to that point is going right into this album: for guest musicians and mastering, plus getting us around the country for tours. It's very exciting to have this Kickstarter, it truly means we can do so many more things this year and in years to come! Thank you for being badasses and making this happen. 


Laser & Aubrey

PS — two things that don't really need our plug but we'll give them anyway:


GO BACK THE CRITICAL ROLE KICKSTARTER and get this world the D&D cartoon we all deserve! These are the nicest folks you could hope to meet and their success is good for all of us.  

Hello, Europe!
about 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 07:02:12 PM

OMG WE'RE GOING TO EUROPE. You've done it, you wild wonderful people.  

We're finalizing the show information now that this goal has been hit, but click the links below to get notified when tickets are available! 

Dublin: August 16/17/18 (sign up to get notified)

London: August 24/25 (sign up to get notified


As you can see, we're going to have a week in there: August 19-23, where we will have some time. If we can get there, we will play there, so please let us know where else you'd like us to go! How does that work? Where do we decide to play a show?

The Doubleclicks will playa a show....

1. When someone can hook us up with a place to play (a living room, pub, festival, circus storage unit). We'd love to do house concerts in the non-London UK!

2. When a lot of people demand that we play there.

To tell us about both of those things (either offer us a place to play OR tell us that you'd come to a show if we played near you). please fill out as much or as little of THIS FORM as you'd like.

Thank you so much!



 Laser (and Aubrey!)

I'm Winning: meet the characters and listen on Spotify!
about 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 12:39:03 AM

Hello Backers!

As we climb toward our European tour goal (SO VERY CLOSE!), I want to talk to you a little bit about "I'm Winning," the first single from the album! You've probably seen the video by now, but there is MORE to tell you about! 

The video's Artistic Director S and I created backgrounds for each of the heroes from this story, and it's making me extremely happy. When we created this world for the video, I was really excited about our heroes, a group of four non-binary heroes with different strengths, personalities and looks. I mean, they're all amazing, but they're also all so different, just like the different animators who worked on the project.

Art for all of these is by S Kim

Meet the heroes: 

Moon, the warrior
Moon, the warrior

MOON, the Warrior! 🗡🗡
Weapon of choice: sword, big
Attack of choice: smash, big
Activity of choice: hug, biggest
Moon is super-strong, and people expect them to be quiet and terrifying. But ask them about their friends and they won’t shut up. They go to every concert they can, love their tiny cat, and could crush you with their bare hands. Moon’s favorite color is blue and they will help you with anything, but only if you ask. 

YULI, the druid
YULI, the druid

YULI, the Druid!
Weapon of choice: magical vines and thorns
Attack of choice: nobody expects a tiny person to have such strong plants ;) Activity of choice: turning into a squirrel and live-streaming it
Yuli was raised in the forest. They love the forest. They know everything about every animal, and they can rip an apple in half with their bare hands. They can also turn into animals, which is rad for battle, and for pranks. Sometimes Yuli rides an elk, and sometimes Yuli IS an elk.
Yuli’s dream is to be famous for their jokes and tricks. Their friends are supportive, but also very rarely are actually tricked. Yuli’s other dream is to befriend a chipmunk. For some reason, that’s the one creature that evades their lovable charm.

AMLIS, the rogue!
AMLIS, the rogue!

AMLIS, the Rogue! 🗡🗡
Weapon of choice: lotsa little knives
Attack of choice: throwing those knives
Activity of choice: taking the road less traveled, and then sneaking up on you and saying BOO!
Amlis’ motto is “there’s gotta be a better way to do this. Or if not better, at least more fun.” They climb a lot of trees and walls and buildings and statues looking for that better way. Amlis is also obsessed with their hobbies: which include whittling, brewing tea (over-caffeinating), cave-diving and building little gadgets. You can come along, but you’d better keep up!

TEN, the wizard!
TEN, the wizard!

TEN, the wizard!
Favorite weapon: magic staff with gems, passed down from their mentor
Favorite attack: prismatic wall
Favorite activity: shopping, tanning, getting very dressed up and going into town
Ten tells people that they came from a different dimension, and that’s why their senses of style, poise, and magic destruction are so attuned. They have a collection of sunglasses and love to take their friends shopping to find their “true look.” They take a lot of risks in battle and use a lot of energy to float gracefully around while destroying their enemies. It’s not unusual for enemies to fall in love with Ten, and Ten loves to fall in love as well. Ten has a pet cat that looks exactly like a panther that someone just made small. That may be what happened.

Find the track on Spotify & More!

In other "I'm Winning" news — the track is now OUT on the internet, so add it to your "nonbinary superhero" playlists! 


iTunes/Apple Music:


Google Play:

What are we up to?

It's an intense time right now — Aubrey is in the studio doing a lot of production and mixing! I'm coordinating with some special guests who will be performing on the album (instrumentalists and guest vocalists, oh my!) And it's all extremely A LOT but also very exciting. We're also planning our tour (more dates have been announced in Wisconsin, Iowa and more!) and getting all these rewards designed and ready to order when the project ends!

We're very grateful to be able to do this work, so thank you for making it happen! 


Laser (and Aubrey!)

Join us NOW in the studio!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2019 at 09:26:18 PM

Hello wonderful backers! 

We are busy like bees these days recording this week! Last night we did an online concert with Sarah Donner which was incredibly fun, and during that stream y'all kicked us up past our first stretch goal: LIVE STREAMING IN THE STUDIO!

So we are LIVE STREAMING FROM THE STUDIO... right now! 

You can watch us now on!! We’ll answer any questions about Kickstarter, recording, editing, mixing, etc — in between recording and doing other work :) Put us on in the background, it’s not “entertainment” but it is what it’s like to record (if you’re us!)  

Out next goal is a European tour — your contributions to the Kickstarter will help us cover our travel across the pond, and then we'll be able to do a handful of shows in Dublin and London! (any more suggestions? want to host a house concert or something at your local cafe? fill out this form!) 

Thank you for backing this project and spreading the word and being wonderful. See you in the studio! RIGHT NOW


Laser & Aubrey